Let me start by saying two things.
- Sometimes I like to think out loud and that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.
- In no way am I a fan of spam (no, not talking about the food).
Now that we’ve got that out of the way let me share a thought I had earlier today.
One of the great things about Twitter is the vast amount of information that can be shared and the speed at which it flows. On the flip side, couldn’t that almost be a negative for a business? For instance, let’s say that company X sends a Tweet about Y at 10 am, but you aren’t online or the speed of the stream causes you to miss the information.
To try and combat this problem Company X could send a second tweet about Y at 2 pm (times are just an example). They have now increased the chance that you, and others that may have missed the original tweet, will at least be able to see the info that is being shared.
I sent out a short tweet earlier today about doing this and a few people responded:
@SuePolinsky – “seems spam-like to retweet same tweet repeatedly for business”
@kathrynkosak – “don’t you think that could get annoying….?”
@JeffHarbert – “I often tweet twice, using SocialOomph to send a tweet at 4am for my non-US followers. Works well for traffic. Easy to overdo.”
@darkmoon – “huh? Businesses do tweet the same tweet multiple times since it’s all real-time audiences.”
Let me hit on the idea of the second tweet being “spam’ish.” If I was to ever condone a second tweet of the same information it would need to be relevant info that isn’t simply trying to push a product – that’s lame.
Also, most of what I consider to be spam is something that I didn’t sign up for. In the case of Twitter you would have chosen to follow Company X and could unfollow them if it became an annoying practice.
That’s just some food for thought on how to help companies increase their reach on Twitter.
Want to help continue the conversation? If so, please tweet, “Tweeting Information Twice: Good, Bad or Not Sure? http://bit.ly/3mxyGP“