I’ve been meaning to update the portfolio section of this site for a while, and finally started sorting through some things last night.
As I was going through clippings I stumbled on a story I garnered for the Victory Junction Gang Camp in the Island Packet, a pub in Hilton Head, SC. The article itself turned out fine, but the main photo that ran always speaks volumes to me.
This particular shot stands out because of several reasons: the kid is down right cute, puts the focus (kids) is front and center, but it also shows that “sick kids” can have fun (stamp on head). The goal of the camp was to do everything possible to take the sickness away for a week, and showing that in photos was always very important.
I wore many hats while working at the camp, one of which was taking photos like the one above. Doing so probably played a huge advantage for me when pitching stories because I had the opportunity to see so many things first hand.
Never discount the power of an image – they can bring your story to life.