Do you enjoying helping others?
Apparently, helping others is something remarkably happy people do quite often.
But, the question is, do you actually know how to help people?
Lets use the example of one of your friends that needs to lose weight.
It’s easy to bark at them to go to the gym or to eat healthier. It sounds simple, but to them, it’s a massive uphill battle. And frankly, it’s a battle most don’t even start because it seems so freaking epic.
The key is to provide goals that are obtainable.
For food, give them bite size suggestions. Maybe they can drink a few less beers each week. Maybe they can cut out fries a couple times a week.
For working out, don’t just suggest they hit the gym five days a week for two hours. That’s insane. Maybe they can do some squats at home. Maybe they could add some pushups to that. Have a kid? Have them hold the kid while doing squats. All of these things are free, quick and are exercise.
This same mindset – the one where you make small helpful suggestions – can be used in other areas of life as well. So the next time you provide “help,” make sure you are doing it in a way that is both understood and achievable.
Help set people up for success and not failure. That’s the best type of help you can offer.