I’ve been thinking a lot lately about engagement, especially in the social media world.
Anyone can toss up a Facebook Page or start a Twitter account, but not everyone can make them work. Meaning, I think it takes a certain level of creativity and social ability to tap into an organizations social media potential (SMP) – something that could be defined as a combination of reach and engagement.
Just about anyone can take a news item or product special and post it on a site, but that doesn’t typically help build relationships or engage the audience. If your social media content isn’t generating conversations or some type of action on the consumers part, something is missing
In my opinion, hitting your social media potential takes something different; something that may even makes certain folks uncomfortable.
You might just have to take your business hat off everyone once in a while and talk to people like they are people. Go crazy. Have a conversation about something completely unrelated to your business.
As time passes, it will be interesting to see how the content/conversations evolve, and if more importance is put on the social ability of the person running the show. There’s much more too this, and I’ll probably do a follow-up post, but these are just some quick initial thoughts.