If you are an active Twitter user there is a large chance that you don’t actually use Twitter.com. I on the other hand do, and thought you might like to at least know about a few upgrades to the site.
You can now create lists
As I’ve started to follow more people I’ve noticed that the stream moves at a pretty rapid rate and that I miss out on a lot of tweets that I’d like to see. For instance, I work for a credit union and am interested in what other credit unions and credit union employees are tweeting about. That being said, I’ve simply started to populate a “credit union” list that will only show the credit union’s/people I add to the list.
Real-time earch results.
You may have previously used Search.Twitter.com, but now there is no need to do so. You can do a real-time search right from within the Twitter console.
They’ve made it much easier to find Twitter users.
I haven’t used this feature in quite some time because it was so bad, but you can now search by name, email, user name and there is also an option to search your email account to find folks that are using Twitter.
As Twitter continues to evolve I can only imagine they will continue to bring new features to the site to make it more relevant and useful to Twitter users.
Note: The primary reason I use Twitter.com is that I use several different computers throughout the day and I’m able to use clients such as TweetDeck or HootSuite on all of them.