As I continue my little life here in the big city, I’ve noticed various news stories highlighting budget problems for the state of NY and for organizations within the city.
One organization in particular plays a big part in many people’s lives, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) – they run the subway system.
Last week MTA made service changes (meaning they cut some bus and subway routes) which was a big news item in the city. With the hubbub being made over their budget, I couldn’t help but ask myself one question?
“Why doesn’t the MTA sale ad space on the outside of the subway cars to generate revenue?”
I’d asked around to see if they’ve done this before, but no one seemed to know. [Note: transit and tour busses are wrapped with ads.] But funny enough, as the subway slowly crept up before coming to a stop at Union Square yesterday evening guess what I saw? One or two subway cars with an ad down towards the bottom part of the car.
“Ha” was my exact reaction after seeing the ad. I then of course thought to myself, “Why aren’t there more ads?” Sure the subways spend a lot of time in the dark, but when they pull up to where you are waiting you can’t help but notice the exterior ads. Imagine a giant Nike swoosh on the side of a car. That would stand out immediately and the brand would easily be recognized.
I’m sure there is a logical hurdle as to why this isn’t done on a more broad scale, but given budget issues… MTA, and organizations all around the world, will need to start thinking about how things can be done (and how to implement new ideas) a bit different in an effort to generate revenue.