Tumblr has been the rage for a while now and it seems to continue picking up steam. It’s simple. It’s fast. And… it’s very very easy.
From brands to bloggers, it seems like everywhere I turn someone is saying, “check out my new Tumblr page.”
Speaking of bloggers, I was recently having a discussion with a group and a girl mentioned that she was now using Tumblr and then said, “Updating all of this stuff is about to kill me.” So I naturally said, “If you’re feeling overwhelmed why did you start using Tumblr?” She then said, “Because it’s the hot new thing and everyone else is using it.”
I know you’d never start using a new tool because of the “all the other kids are doing it” mentality, but it was interesting to hear this play out with someone that wasn’t a marketer.
No matter if you are a casual blogger or a top tier marketer, every tool in the toolbox should have a purpose.